This should not come as a surprise to anyone unless you've waited months to read my blog! I'm pregnant. However, just to make it fun, I'm not going to tell my close family members. I thought it would be clever to let Will know by waiting till he actually reads this post, which might not be for a long time. I tell my family to read my bog all the time and they don't. So, here's getting back at them. To all my friends who read this: Please do not let it slip in front of Will or my kids. Oh, what the heck, don't tell ANYONE....keep it to yourself till I post that Will read the blog. I'll know that you know when you make a comment on this post. I want to see how long it takes him to figure it out. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and one more thing...does anyone have an OB-GYN they'd highly recommend who delivers at Desert Regional?
(Yes, it is cheating if you say "You've got to read Andrea's blog", or any other phrase that would be interpreted by the Supreme Court of Andrea as blowing the secret surprise.)
--10/16 Andrea to Will: "Honey, you really should read our blog. I write in it all the time."
--10/17 Jennifer Hendrickson to Will: "Will, you should read Andrea's blog." (She hadn't read this post yet.)
--10/18 Will Spends the next three days writing and reading on Lisa's blog. (Ironic, huh?)
--10/19 Will almost clicks on our blog and the computer crashes! (that was close)
--10/22 Andrea to Will: "What do you think of Cali Carter, or how about Cael Carter?" Will: "I like Cali, but she'll be called "California" her whole life." End of further questions.
10-23 I think Will is turning the cards on me now. He read my blog last night and posted a comment on one of my newest posts, but says he skipped around and looked over some other posts. I immediately called him a liar, but he just casually told me how he read lots of our friends blogs, then tried to start one of his own. I think he knows now and is going to try and see how long I can stand keeping it a secret from him! How's that for "getting back" at me? Now I'm tormented not knowing if he knows or not and not wanting to spoil it JUST IN CASE he doesn't. I should have known. He's always been the more clever of the two of us.
10/23 My little sister, Liz, asked me point blank if I was pregnant yet. I lied. I feel bad now. I'm too stubborn to spoil the fun now though.
10/26 Like I said, I know Will has always been the more clever of the two of us. So, Will and I spoke in church today. During Will's talk, he told the entire congregation "Andrea thinks that I don't pay attention to her or read her blog. What she doesn't know is that I read her blog and wrote her a note inside her scriptures saying "I know you're pregnant. I'm just checking to see how often you read your scriptures!" I have to give him credit. That was good. Humiliating me in public is always the best way to win my affection! (By the way, you can read the scriptures on-line...which is what I was doing.) =)